14 July 2008

A Shocking Surprise

I am really confused as to how to really put into words how I am feeling right now.
So, I'm going to make a list....
1. I am excited
2. I am scared to death
3. I am confused...actually quite bewildered
4. Mad because I don't want to be that statistic
5. Happy because I am that statistic
6. Guarded
7. Proud
8. Like I could throw up any second.
9. I want everything to be normal so bad

I am 7.5 weeks pregnant...now we all know how this happens, but how did it happen to me...now?
I have no idea.
It's been 6 years since we even saw a fertility specialist.
About 6 years since our last miscarrage.
We know that to get pregnant I have to take heprin and asprin because my husband and I have a very very strong immunological issue.
I am on no medication
We saw and heard a little heart beat today and everything looks normal...WHAT???????????
I talk to the doctor tomorrow

Our feelings are Not too High and Not too Low...
WOW are we in shock.

We know that so much can happen

This was not AT ALL PLANNED!

Please keep us in your prayers


Melissa said...

congrats to you. what a wonderful surprise

Anonymous said...

oh my!!!! congrats!!!!
i am so happy for you :)

Ronda said...

An amazing surprise. Enjoy the emotions as they come. Love and light and good wishes sent your way.


Laura said...

Oh my gosh!!!! Your 3rd baby that you wanted, how exciting!!!! I'm thrilled for you!!! I guess you were right, you would be following me staying at home!
biggest hugs!!

Denise :o) said...

OMG!!!! I am soooo happy for you!!! So, so happy for you!!! You have me in tears! You may be a statistic, but we all know this is truly a miracle and not "because you adopted".

Stick baby stick!!! (((HUGS)))

Denise :o) said...

Okay, I just went back and looked at the date of the post... it was on the 14th and it's not the 18th. You were suppose to see the doctor the next day. I hope your silence is because you are too busy celebrating and sharing the news. Please update soon!!