19 July 2008

Everything is still going.
I meet with a wonderful doctor last Tuesday and we went over lots of paperwork and after careful consideration, she wants me to do Luvenox shots daily and wants me to also take a baby asprin daily...throughout the pregnancy.
This should help thin the blood and Hopefully keep the anti-bodies from attacking my little blueberry. :-)

I'm officially 11 weeks and 1 day...I think. I am so sick that I can barely get out of bed. I do have some mild cramping, but it comes and goes just every now and then that freaks me out.
i just can't get over how sick I am. For several days, I have been able to avoid the whole throwing up thing...not anymore. It hit me 2 days ago and I am constantly sick. It feels like I'm dying...truly.
OK...and I've already gone up a bra size. THEY ARE HUGE...I know probably way too much information, but it's amazing! They hurt/burn/tingle...it's even hard to shower with these new puppies!

The very very few people who know keep telling me that this is a good sign to be so sick.

It just makes me crazy.

I'm trying to keep calm, but of course I'm still really worried. Will this all work out?

Another funny story:

The financial office sat me down on Tuesday to review the costs and what insurance will/will not pay. OMG! We are responsible for $178.00 of the fees....FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE ADOPTED, THAT'S A DEAL RIGHT. I LAUGHED INSIDE. I think that was a one night stay at the airport hotel in Russia with no heat.

The doctor's secretary has a son who just brought a baby home from Guatemala...I felt much more in touch with her than the other women in the entire office. :-)

I go back to the doctor on the 28th. Please keep us in your thoughts. This is one of those things that is a true miracle and we don't exactly get do-over's on this one.


Melissa said...

congrats and good luck

Laura said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited!!! Thanks for the update!!! This is so cool!