Ok, remember how I said my EXCITING NEWS UPDATE would be revealed soon? Well, I would have revealed it sooner if I had known the details. I STILL DON'T HAVE THE DETAILS, BUT the hint that it dealt with Russia shouldn't surprise anyone that I don't have the details to reveal!
WITH THAT BEING SAID...it is a mission trip to RUSSIA!
I am waiting on details to find out where and when we would be leaving...that's when I'll make my final decision if I'm going to go or not.
I'm getting some negative feedback from my hubby and parents about me going. It's only going to be for a week, (maybe only 5 days) but I'm getting the sense that people think I'm crazy for leaving my kiddos and job to do this. Am I being selfish...even though I am going to deliver thousands of dollars that will specifically help orphans? Am I abandoning my kids for my own selfish passion to help other children in need? I can't wrap that around my brain, but maybe you all can give me a better insight about this.
I understand that any travel is a risk...even driving to work each day is a risk. I understand that being in a foreign country heightens some kind of a risk, but so does being at an ATM machine at night. It would be ONLY me going, not my husband or parents (whom have already said they "have it covered" to be with the kids). Jason, my husband travels with his job for weeks at a time. I actually think that 5 days with the kids, alone, would be wonderful for him...as long as he had some support from the nanas and papas.
I kind of think I need to hear from you all. What do you think?
I think that is great...believe me, it is something I would LOVE to do. BUT...I have two little ones from Russia also...a four year old little boy, adopted in 2004, and a two and a half year old little girl, adopted in summer of 2006...and I just couldn't leave them to go back there JUST YET...maybe when they get a little older. Not to bring them, just so they understand a little better...like why I am going and I WILL be back, etc. etc. I would even feel better if I knew that they were occupied with school and activities to distract them while I was gone. I think it is a wonderful thing that you want to do, and I would love to go and help out all of those poor orphans...I will never forget all of those little faces....
If you do decide to go, I give you alot of credit and I wish you the best of luck...it is a terrific and caring thing to do! I just wouldn't be able to at this point. It is something I would absolutely consider in the future though. Good luck...and I enjoy your blog...your kiddos are beautiful! Maureen T.
You know I support you on this one. No matter where it ends up being - even if it is not to the area where V is from :) I wish I could go! It would be wonderful to go and not have the emotion of an adoption surrounding the whole trip- to actually go, enjoy, make a difference ...and maybe you wont get sick this time!!!
Wow Jen!
You are brave.
Personally, I just couldn't leave. G had such a hard time with us leaving him for T's adoption earlier this year.
I do think it is a wonderful thing that you are doing though.
I would definitely do it. I would explain in detail to the kids what you're doing and really make sure they understand that you're coming back. Get them very involved with brochures, maps, watching planes overhead, etc. so it's not just sprung on them. Each day you're there you could write in a journal -specifically to them - about your thoughts and feelings. I think they would feel proud later in life that you did this. Good luck with your decision, it definitely won't be an easy one. I enjoy reading your blog.
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