28 July 2008

A Sad Day

Wow. This was my ultra-sound today.
I went to my ultrasound appt. and found out that within the last 24-48 hours the baby's heart beat stopped. I was so wierd. The baby had arms and legs, and looked very perfect...just no heart beat. They worked on finding one for awhile, and then said... "I'm so sorry".
I can't believe it. This whole experience feels like a sick joke. How can a little miracle so unexpected turn out this way. Why?
I have my DNC Wednesday morning.
I have been guarded, but it's never ever easy. I actually forgot just how much these things can hurt.
It's so sad that this is the only picture I will ever see of this baby. ;-(

I am so thankful for Buddah and CQ.
I'll keep you updated.



Melissa said...

so sorry. I cant even imagine. i am sending you virtual hugs and chocolate.

Ronda said...

I am so sorry for your pain, there are no words.


Laura said...

Oh no,my heart goes out to you. Gosh, I can't imagine. I'm so sorry for your loss.
biggest hugs.

Denise :o) said...

I haven't checked your blog is quite a while. I wanted to say how sorry I am this has happened!! So very sorry.